Discover how to end the itching and suffering triggered by flea bites... dust... pollen... environmental allergens... and foods.
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Learn how to identify and treat your dog's chronic allergies - safely and effectively! Discover how to end the itching and suffering triggered by flea bites... dust... pollen... environmental allergens... and foods. You can win the war on canine allergies! Whole Dog Journal's Online Learning course will show you how! | |
Constant itching, frequent licking, losing fur, bumpy rashes. Sound familiar? If you have a dog with allergies, you've likely seen it all. As a caring owner, you want relief for your dog - and for yourself! This dynamic online course brings you a practical understanding of canine allergies and gives you the know-how to literally save your dog's skin and increase his health and happiness. Here's a sampling of what you'll learn... - How allergies impact your dog's immune system
- The 3 most common types of canine allergies
- Is it an allergy - or could it be something else?
- Proven ways to eliminate fleas - in your house and on your dog
- Identifying food allergies
- The one allergy most likely to threaten younger dogs
- The low-cost supplement owners should add to an allergic dog's diet
- If - and when - you should consider a corticosteroid
- 11 strategies for making your home and yard safer for an allergy-prone pet.
Get the information you need to give your dog the care he deserves. Order How To Treat Canine Allergies now at a special rate reserved for Whole Dog Journal friends and readers. The complete Online Learning course is yours at a savings of $10.00 from the regular rate. | |
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